Saturday, February 28, 2009


lesson learned, my ass.  [just re-read last week's post!]

so, I am up 2.2 pounds.  and SO frustrated with myself.  I've had two pretty difficult eating weeks and I made my usual mistake last Saturday:  I rewarded myself for my "almost -15".  cori rewards look like wine, nachos, candy, smut mags, movies and chocolate bars.  yeah, and I suck.  if it had only stopped there, I would have re-bounded.  it was followed up with a sloppy week and two days of eating out at teacher's convention.  thursday morning was a breakfast buffet.  the better choice would have been to stay in control of my eating and just order off the menu.  buffet's and I are life-long enemies.  I honestly don't ever feel like I eat the value of the food that I pay for, so then I eat more to make it worth my while.  then on friday it was vietnamese food for lunch and thai food for supper.  like I said, on their own, it all would have been okay.  all together over the coarse of 7 days - +2.2

lesson learned?  I sure hope so.  

on a positive note, I did run without peeing for the first time in a really long time.  I did 35 some minutes on the treadmill walking and then did 15 minutes of 1 to 1's running and walking.  pretty cool, eh?  

lots of work to do this week to take care of myself AND stay in control of my hunger, my food choices and my mindlessness.  one day at a time.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

so close!

so close to -15.  -14.8 is pretty darn close.  I am down another 1.4...totally on schedule.  which is good, since I had a rough eating week on a lot of fronts.  for the first time since christmas, I used up all my extra points - on pizza and icky chicken wings and cake and a shot of baileys.  I know that is what those points are suppose to be for, but still, I usually don't use them up like I did on wednesday night!  mentally it was just a tough week and although I am glad that I didn't pay the price at the scale this week, I see now how easy it is to go back to old ways.  I am combating 15 years of bad habits with 11 weeks of new habits.  so, although I know I shouldn't beat myself up over a couple of rough days, I also know that I need to "press on", "persevere" and just "hold on" when I am tired and pms'ing and busy and just plain old tired [oh, I said that...!!!].  alas, all's well that ends well.  and lesson learned.

have a super weekend!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

new things...

so we did some scrap book pages at club last night...this is what they looked like!  I totally got the paper flower idea from some primas that I had bought awhile ago...I got the replica idea from SCS, I'm sure.  the other flowers just morphed from there and the cut-out flowers I got from kristina's blog...the ribbon thingy with the button is from the papertray blog!  LOVE it all!!!  I also love how dawn uses ribbon and buttons, which got me thinking that I should do more!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

-13 point something...

10 weeks today and I am at -13.  considering the first 4 weeks were HELL, I have to say, I am pretty darn impressed with myself.  and it's not that I didn't think I could do it, but part of me always thinks I'm going to fail.  there is still a part of me that doesn't want to dream big, but the other part knows that dreaming big will create a goal that is totally achievable.  if I keep going at a pound a week [my week-to-week goal], then the following will happen:
I will be down 2 more pounds before teachers convention.  I will be down 6 more by spring break.  I will be down 11 more pounds  before the vancouver marathon.  I will be down 15 more pounds by the time I go to vegas.  that puts me at -28 by vegas.  that is below the lowest I've been in my adult life.  although that thought totally FREAKS ME OUT, I am so motivated by the thought of wearing a size 14 pair of jeans and my zebra print lucky brand jeans sweatshirt [that I bought in LA when I was last that size!!!], that I will not give up.  not this time.

I went through my closet this week and weeded out some old things and organized it so that I know what I can shrink into!  because I totally have clothes from two summers ago that will fit me again.  I like that.

okay, off to deal with my very uncontrollable, very whiney, very irritating five year old. 

Monday, February 09, 2009


it's monday night and I feel like I've been slammed to the ground by a mack truck.  the congestion that has hit my head in the last 24 hours is unbelievable.  I knew I was going to get sick...that's what happens when you don't get proper sleep for a week due to a mysterious illness that plagues the bellies of three year olds [chances are, it's constipation, but who knows if I'm being played or not!].

on a posititve note, I am officially down 12.2 lbs.  and my blue jeans are seeing a tighter belt.  I am terrified to try on any of my smaller fitting clothes, in case I am horribly disappointed or that I wake up from the dream and everyone is laughing at me.  strange, I know.  I could be pms'ing on top of it and you know, those days are always fat days even if you weigh 102 pounds.  whatever.  maybe this saturday I will try on some other jeans and see how things are fitting.  at this rate, being at least 20lbs lighter [from the beginning weight] is looking doable for the first weekend in may:  marathon weekend!  flights are booked, hotels are being booked, I still need to register, but hey, that can wait a week or so!  now I just need to start training.  it is encouraging thought, that I should be legitimately below 200lbs on marathon day.  that alone is a good, good thing for my speed and endurance.  exciting!

well, I should be asleep - but I am still waiting for the drugs to kick in.  I seriously hope both kids have a good night and don't wake up.  if not for them, then for me.  okay, for me all the way.

I get my hair cut tomorrow.  things are good.  

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

a trial

ty & I created a video podcast tonight.  it's uploaded on the beginning stages of what may be, someday, a new website!  check it out here:  life according to ty

AND...I finally have voicemail that works.  love the girl at rogers working in ontario at 3am.  

AND...I am contemplating a draw.  if you watch the video, leave me a comment and then I will pick a number and send out a little something :o)  [deadline on Friday @ 3pm]
