on a posititve note, I am officially down 12.2 lbs. and my blue jeans are seeing a tighter belt. I am terrified to try on any of my smaller fitting clothes, in case I am horribly disappointed or that I wake up from the dream and everyone is laughing at me. strange, I know. I could be pms'ing on top of it and you know, those days are always fat days even if you weigh 102 pounds. whatever. maybe this saturday I will try on some other jeans and see how things are fitting. at this rate, being at least 20lbs lighter [from the beginning weight] is looking doable for the first weekend in may: marathon weekend! flights are booked, hotels are being booked, I still need to register, but hey, that can wait a week or so! now I just need to start training. it is encouraging thought, that I should be legitimately below 200lbs on marathon day. that alone is a good, good thing for my speed and endurance. exciting!
well, I should be asleep - but I am still waiting for the drugs to kick in. I seriously hope both kids have a good night and don't wake up. if not for them, then for me. okay, for me all the way.
I get my hair cut tomorrow. things are good.
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