Thursday, November 29, 2012

five minute friday: wonder

I'm exhausted and I should be in bed, but I'm going to try my hand at writing tonight regardless of how I feel.  If you want to join the party, hit the badge on the right hand side of my page.  okay so don't really hit your computer.  you'll just hurt something.  clicking works though...


walking on christmas eve, in freshly fallen snow.  past a church.  music wafting it's way out.  
silent night, holy night.

holding a new born baby.  nine years since the first and I still get "that feeling" when I remember holding him.  smelling him.  touching his wee hand. 
all is calm, all is bright.

little voices singing in unison and sounding so sweet and awful at the same time.  
holy infant, so tender and mild.

boys sleeping.  hands flailing.  hushed breath.
sleep in heavenly peace.

alone, with a piano.  closed door.  it's just me and the song in my heart.  
all is calm, all is bright.

silent night
holy night
all is calm
'round yon virgin
mother and child
holy infant
so tender and mild
sleep in heavenly peace
sleep in heavenly peace

wonder.  god in flesh.
holy night.



Julie Jordan Scott said...

Absolutely beautiful. Your ability to weave this together so quickly fills me with more wonder... incredible. So grateful you stayed up late.

Sometimes I feel like posts are written precisely because God knows I need them. I know that isn't true, but I'm just sayin'

Big hugs....

Loni said...

all such wonder . . . and only the barely the beginning of the wonder we will someday behold!

cori fraser said...

Thanks, Julie!

Lisa-Jo Baker said...

Oh good golly, that's beautiful. That song combined with new motherhood - it's the powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing with us!


Kathleen said...

So beautiful and wonderful to recall all the wonders of babies and the holidays :)

The Hollywood Film Critic said...

WOW! That gorgeous, Cori!

Valerie said...

Oh, this is so, so sweet.