Tuesday, August 02, 2011


lazy, lazy days...we have become THOSE holiday people.  the ones whose kids are up until 11 pm and don't get out of bed until 10 am the next morning!  I have read four books in the last week and am jonesing to find a book store since the kindle reader doesn't have the series I started.  let me preface this.  I have never watched true blood.  and as much as I read the twilight series in three days a couple of summers ago, I am not a huge vampire fan.  then I started the sookie stackhouse southern vampire mystery series.  I read the first two books in two days.  I NEED MORE!!!!

and this is our life.  books.  coffee with baileys in the morning.  cherries.  wine.  the pool.  tired boys.  tired mom.  it's good.  three more full days until we make the 13 hour trek back to edmonton.  sigh.

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