yeah. that's how I feel. I'm tired. and worn out. okay, so I'm sick, so there's a legit reason for why I'm feeling so crummy! that said, I'm doing something about it. yep. I took next week off work. that combined with a 4 day weekend that started today and next weekend [which has "usual" weekend status], I've managed 10 days off. IN.A.ROW. yep. I rock. so of course I'm sick. and the kids are driving me crazy. they also have a 4 day weekend. yippie. ha!
that said, I do have a couple of things in the works:
1. mumford and sons. wednesday night. I am sooooo super excited!
2. I'm going to clean out my laundry room AND the garage next week.
3. the sun is shining and the leaves have made an appearance. it's time to sneaker up and get my walking on. the half marathon is only 16? weeks away?
4. 6 more weeks of school. which means 6 weeks + 1 sleep until we leave for disneyland. super exciting.
5. and if it's 6 weeks until disneyland, then it's 7 weeks + 1 sleep until john and I are driving to vegas.
6. today marks the end of my second, yet highly unofficial whole30. I actually don't think it belongs in the whole30 category. the last four weeks have been me eating about 95% in whole30/paleo fashion and I've been choosing 1 meal a week as a cheat/treat meal. and in that time, I finally broke up with my scale. it's been almost two weeks since we hung out. on the first of every month we have a standing date, but other than that, we're done. through. finished.
7. I'm scheduled to do a hard-core, no cheats or treats, whole30 starting on May 24th. anyone wanna do it with me?
8. I'm suppose to walk 9k on sunday. sigh. I haven't been walking enough. I've been throwing around the idea of doing the jillian michael's 30 day shred along side my next whole30. I need to do something. fun stuff.
so what's new with y'all? any summer plans?
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