1. remember when I said that I felt discontented. it was for a reason.
2. john and I applied for a mortgage this week. we should know soon. I think. eeekkk!
3. went to chad's uncle's funeral today. nothing to say on that front. funerals are never fun.
4. I drank with connie last night while we watched all our wed night shows. wine + friend = needed big time.
5. found out some pretty rough stuff this week about a friend. things I knew, but never really knew the way I know now. now I'm sad.
6. went and saw sugar sammy perform at the winspear on tuesday night with john. it was to raise money for the franklin foundation. good night, great cause.
7. someone from my past contacted me this week via facebook. wants to do coffee. long and complicated. not too sure what to expect. tomorrow night.
8. the olympic torch went through here last night. cool beans.
9. I am forcing my kids at school to read the Hobbit. I think I am liking more than they are. it's all good!
10. I can't really think of a number 10. it's really been an overwhelming week and I've felt emotional and a bit crazy. like I said on #1, discontented. out of sorts. so, I'd better put my big girl panties [HATE that word!] on and face the wind as it begins to change. wish me luck.
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