Thursday, January 31, 2008

thankful thursday

it is thursday. I am thankful. this is all good.

although it's been CRAZY COLD, I am thankful that we made it through the -40ish pieces in one shape. monday was nuts with one car not working, but's all good. I got tons done at school, since there's yet to be a day with full classes, that too was a big blessing. I feel like I am finally on my game, and not behind it. so, cold weather...can be a happy thing.

and the weight thing. walking this week has sucked [yeah, not doing it in THIS weather!], but the eating hasn't been too bad. well, other than the HUNK of chocolate cake I just ate. I lost 1 pound this week, so I am at a -4. this is good. this is really good. I have some pics to post...those will come tomorrow, since I'm SOOOOOO tired!

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