Saturday, July 18, 2009

how do you do that?

lot's of randomness today:
1. last sunday we took the kids to the zoo - yes, the pics are mainly of ty, just because I don't think you can buy that kind of cool. not too sure where the kid gets his style, but he just makes me either REALLY angry or REALLY happy! the top picture is a bit blurry, but I still love it. the bottom one is missing the bottom half of his chin - still love it too!

2. there were some questions about my poster in the last post - I made it with pages 09 on my mac. it was a template, and it was super easy!

3. had my SU! open house today. it was a great time and I am so thankful that people took the time to come! now I am going to post the rest of my retired sets on kijiji - if I can figure that out!

4. I barely survived yoga yesterday. I had a headache on thursday and I thought it had gone. yeah. it hadn't. I could hardly get through the breathing exercises, let alone all the standing and balancing poses. sheesh.

5. went to the red piano with some girls last night. GREAT place!

6. I was down 2.2 lbs today. I'm back to the -20.6 mark. same place I was on june 13. WOW. what a month! let's hope that I can squeek out a pound for next week so I'm at the 10% mark.

7. okay, I can't think of much else. ty is having a bit of a meltdown. off to deal.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the top pic of TY, he's too cool...I to wonder where he gets his cool from, must skip a generation.