Wednesday, July 04, 2012

carry on

summer vacation.  swimming lessons.  5 more sleeps until 40 {I'm counting it down like the kids!}.  4 more sleeps until the "at the pool in the heat" vacation.  sigh.  I told myself that this week was my do nothing week and I'm having a hard time doing nothing!  my body doesn't seem to know how to be at rest!!

that said, I'm on book two of the "fraser family reading program" which is more like my poor kids having a mother that makes them read and then they get to write down their books on the chalkboard.  not much of a program.  regardless, the teacher in me knows that kids can move backwards in their reading over a summer.  not my kids, damn it.  ha!  we also made a July plan...okay, a kinda plan.  it's more circular than linear, but a way to keep us a bit focused.

well the wind is blowing something fierce and phineas & ferb is on.   love!  oh and the pot of coffee needs drinking.  I do love summer.  have a great day, peeps!

oh, and I threw a link to my "summer project" over there ----> {somewhere...!}  I'll get you better directions!!  ha!

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