Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm a winner, you're a winner...

everyone's a winner. okay, the FOUR of you. email me your mailing addresses and keep an eye on your mailboxes. allison, I can send your treat to germany, if you'd like...!!

in other news, I have spent the last four days at lake wabaman with Connie and Ty. as a result, I have a lovely sunburn [AGAIN] and I haven't been to a yoga class in 4 days. EEEEKKKKKK! good thing there's a weekend, so I can get back on track!

have a great, safe long weekend! [oh, and only 7 more sleeps until we leave for osoyoos. YIPPIE!!!!]


susan said...

it's nice to know i'm a winner in your eyes cor because in so many other aspects of my life i am a loser...
yes, bad day.

lyssa said...

Yippee!! Can you email me at I don't have your email....

Thanks so much!