the home stretch. the end. it's totally in sight. it's been a long, difficult year - but rewarding. my profession is a difficult one. emotional. draining. lots of payout with sometimes little in return. but as I was watching my all time favourite tv show {friday night lights} last night, I realized that all the sacrifice and hard work is worth it.
I do this job for kids who do not have parents that care. for kids who feel unheard. for kids that don't have an advocate. for kids that struggle. and sometimes I lose sight of that. I wish I could insert my favourite tami taylor teacher moment here. she's my new hero. and I am glad that for once, a tv show is portraying my profession in a realistic way. if you've watched season 5, you'll know what I'm talking about. but the whole story arc between tami and epyck is something I totally get.
I started this post on wednesday last week already, but I've been too tired to sit down and finish it. even as I sit here tonight, my entire train of thought has been lost. regardless, I think you get the point. maybe.
so I chickened out of weight watchers yesterday. I don't do that often, but I didn't have the heart to pay money, only to be told I was up 2lbs. you heard me. up. grrr. totally my fault. but still. so today, I walked 13 km {some 8+ miles!!} and had two hours to have a little chat with myself about why and how I sabotage myself. I didn't come up with any answers, but I am reminded about my inability to deal with stress. and last week {okay, so the last two weeks} has been up there in the stress department. I can't say no to sweets, sugar, ice cream, yummy-gooey-happy-chocolatey things when I am too tired and stressed to think. so this week, I am going to try again, but with a plan. get back to my walking {the weather is suppose to be nicer}, be in bed before 11pm and avoid sugar. it's a plan that works. but it's a plan that means that I need to pack my lunches. it's a plan that requires work, and planning. and it's a plan that requires sleep.
that said, I'm going to fold some laundry and get to it. those two pounds that I gained are all in serious bloat, so they had better be gone, and more, soon.
In four days, you'll have two months. :)
I like how your blog reads like a journal -- a real journal...
And I also like that you watch Friday Night Lights!
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