Saturday, April 15, 2006

la dolce vita

the sweet life. I just need to slow down to enjoy it.

we are going out for dinner tonight - a great greek restaurant around the corner from us. not just us though, but it's our easter church celebration. usually we do potlucks on holidays [christmas, easter, thanksgiving], but this time everyone was wanting to do family stuff on sunday, so a saturday evening easter dinner it is! I have totally watched my calories today so that I don't have to worry this evening. I am just going to go and eat and enjoy some time with my family & friends.

my shins were killing me today. I only did a 20 minute walk [only 2k] because I thought I was going to die...okay, well of embarrassment if I fell off the treadmill! I have a feeling that I need new shoes...that will have to wait until payday. grrr.

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