Thursday, April 20, 2006


was a total write-off on so many levels. nate is sick. ty is teething. I caught nate's cold. my TA was sick yesterday. everytime I stood up I thought I was going to fall over from dizzyness. I purposly ate ice cream so that I would get sick...yeah, not pretty!

today is MUCH better! we all got a good nights sleep last night. my TA is back and feeling better. my stomach is feeling a ton better. I hate being sick.

tonight I am going to walk 5k with rae. I saw the summer mini this morning, so I am thinkin' there are a couple of things I am going to *need*...LIKE THE COOL DOUBLE SIDED PAPER!!!

and I am excited about my show for susan on saturday...I think I'll prep for that tonight!

my calories the last 2 days have been on track & my goal today is to drink all my water - it's easy to forget throughout the day.

1 comment:

susan said...

I am happy that you are excited about our party this weekend!! Me too!!