and this week's blog titles are brought to you by "flamingo" [go get yourself this album!!]...
went for a run this afternoon. I am getting stronger. I like that. I was definitely more focused on the feeling than on the time, but I did manage a bunch of two and twos today [two minutes walking and two minutes running or inclining]. couldn't quite do one and twos, but that will come. this comes the day after I saw the scale jump down another 2lbs this week, 4lbs in the last two weeks. finally, some progress.
and in the sleep department? yeah, THAT was a dream [pun intended!!]. ty woke up screaming at 230 this morning. after the two times up out of bed and half an hour later, he ended up in our bed. and I woke up with a sore back. grrr. well, it's not from a lack of trying, that's for sure.
so I don't know if I've talked about this at all, but I made an appointment to talk to a counsellor and I saw her for the first time last week. there comes a point where blogging and talking to my girlfriends just isn't enough. I probably needed to do this earlier this summer, but better late than never, right? it was good to talk. not like I need a lot of direction, because like she said, I do know what I need to do [denial isn't really a big issue for me], but I just need to get it all off my chest. and she gave me some homework - to call my doctor and make an appointment and to get more sleep [ha!]. if even half of my issues are hormonal, that needs to be diagnosed by my doctor. she also talked to me about finding a place of refuge when I'm feeling stressed out. so today I locked myself in my closet so I could talk on the phone. I LOVE my closet and just sitting on the floor in there made me happy [strange, I know!]. and in dealing with my emotions in a healthier way, the boys seem more settled. time-outs for mom is good. what would be real refuge would be to sit in my closet and blog. that would be happy-happy!! I see her again in two weeks and hopefully I've made some progress on my "homework".
and alas, I should run to the store...but it's COLD. wish me luck!
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