Sunday, October 31, 2010

people who died

L-O-V-E this song!!  it's super old and super great.  I am not a big halloween girl, but heard this on the radio on wednesday and I promptly downloaded it!

speaking of halloween [great segue, eh?  LOL] took the kidlets out and about to collect some treats.  HOLY CANDY, BATMAN!  it was crazy out there.  we have more candy than any family of four needs to ever own.  ty was bumblebee from transformers and nate ditched the skeleton costume in exchange for the ol' hockey jersey for a "hockey player" costume.  and honestly, the weather was phenomenal and the kids went hard for two hours!

and tomorrow is the start of my 60 day challenge.  if I was smart [HA!] I'd get up and exercise before I head to my inservice.  we'll see what time kids fall asleep and what time I can get my arse out of bed.  clean eating and daily exercise, here I come!!

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