Wednesday, October 06, 2010

this time tomorrow

a little bit of the kinks, in perhaps the most appropriate song-title/blog-title in recent history!

love me some kinks.  and I love this song...and I'm having some deja vu since I totally think that we've had this conversation before.  maybe I should be doing some john denver - leavin' on a jet plane!  and guess what the weather forecast is for seattle this weekend?  that's right.  rain.  more rain.  still more rain.  my hair is going to have some SERIOUS issues with this trip.  HA!  bringing along the good product.

good thing that the space needle, the experience music project, nordstrom rack, and starbucks are all good in the rain!  a coffee crawl, well that's going to require an umbrella.  have one in my bag.  it's all good.

so, this time tomorrow, I'll be in the rain [okay, well there is suppose to be sun's to hoping!].  and perhaps there will be some coffee in hand.  it's all good.

I'll talk to y'all on the other side of the 49th!

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