Friday, December 17, 2010

white christmas

so tired today.  last day of work [happy!] was preceded by a sick kid last night [sad].  needless to say, I was dragging my butt all day.  still am.  LOL  but, I got to school and the parking lot had been grated.  sweet joy!!  {#72}

this morning we took all the jr high kids curling.  totally a great, great time.  the last time I had curled, I think I was in grade 8.  but, canada is a curling nation - we win medals by pushing rocks down the rink and by sweeping and yelling, "hard, hard, harder"!  and the smiles on the kids faces was totally worth the bit of chaos...{#73}

and yes, I even got out there and threw some rocks.  I am sad and pathetic, but that's okay.  that's what makes it so much fun!  then, after a relativly low-key afternoon, I ended up coming home with a car full of gifts, and this gift basket [from a parent given to the office, then given to me!].  the boys are totally enjoying all of the fruit [and this is just half of it!] {#74}

and this lovely bag of beans was brought back from hawaii for me {#75}.  my kids know I love my coffee and that's what makes this such a thoughtful gift.  and plus, it came with a starbucks gift card - from hawaii as well!  I love the design on it...very tropical.  very un-snowy!!  {#76}

and now, I think I am heading upstairs to fold laundry and go to bed.  sheer exhaustion.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Thanks for helping me see the good things in life - I gotta record this joy stuff...

PS - I'll help you drink some of that coffee!