Thursday, November 11, 2010


total procrastination.

I have a list a mile long of things that need to get done today.
1.  report card prep - they are due on wednesday.  I haven't started.  I know what needs to be written.  I know what I'm going to write.  yet I have nothing.  nada.  a stack of paper in my bag that really needs to find its way out.

2.  house cleaning.  my house is gross.  it's report card season.  see #1.  I have no good excuse, other than typically my house is shiny clean when I have real work to do.

3.  a walk.  my legs are sore.  yes, I'm complaining.

4.  laundry & packing.  should have thrown a load in this morning.  blah.

5.  grocery shopping.  legitimately, this one can wait until sunday.  so I'll let it.

6.  reading.  I have three books on the go right now and I should be reading instead of blogging.  never mind.  in all honesty, I should be reading instead of random internet surfing in starbucks.

bottom line, I am a bad procrastinator.  and I am awful at getting myself motivated.  kinda a double whammy.  procrastination without a clean house to show for it!!

okay, okay.  I'll get off my butt and get home and start the laundry and clean.  then I will have no excuse tonight to look at my report card stuff.


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